Event handling

This page documents the event module, which is responsible for event handling in Phonometrica.

General concepts

Phonometrica provides an event handling mechanism which allows you to connect events to callback function. An event is a unique identifier which can be triggered anywhere, for instance when a button is clicked. It can be bound to any number of callback functions, which may or may not return a value. Whenever an event is emitted, all the callbacks connected to it are executed (in an unspecified order).

This mechanism is used throughout Phonometrica, as it provides hooks that can be used by plugins to react to events triggered by the program. For example, an event is emitted whenever a file is loaded, which can be used to add custom metadata to each file, among other things.



Create and return a new event identifier (id). Each id is guaranteed to be unique, such that two different calls to create will never yield the same id.

If you need to store an id for subsequent use, store it in a variable.

var my_event = event.create()
# Do something with my_event...

event.connect(id, callback)

Connect event id to function callback. The callback can take one argument and can return a value.

var e = event.create()

function f(name)
    print("Hold the door, " .. name)

event.connect(e, f)

# Print "Hold the door, Hodor" to the standard output
event.emit(e, "Hodor")

See also: disconnect(), emit()

event.disconnect(id, callback)

Disconnect event id from function callback. If id and callback are not connected, this function does nothing.

var e = event.create()

function f(name)
    print("Hold the door, " .. name)

event.connect(evt, f)

# Print "Hold the door, Hodor" to the standard output
event.emit(e, "Hodor")

event.disconnect(e, f)

# Do nothing since e and f are no longer connected
event.emit(e, "Hodor")

See also: connect(), emit()

event.emit(id, ...)

Emit event id, followed by an optional argument. The argument is forwarded to all the callbacks which are connected to this event (if any). If no argument is provided, the value null is passed instead. If more than one argument are given, additional arguments are discarded.

This function collects all the return values from the callbacks it called into a list which is returned to the caller. (Keep in mind that if a callback doesn’t explicitly return a value, its return value is null.)

var e = event.create()

function f1(arg1)
    print("f1 received a " .. typeof arg1)

function f2(arg1, arg2)
    print("f2 received a " + typeof arg1 + " and a " + typeof arg2)

event.connect(e, f1)
event.connect(e, f2)

# Print "f1 received a number" and "f2 received a number and a string"
var args = [3.14, "pi"]
event.emit(e, args)

Note: the order in which callbacks are called is unspecified. In general, it will correspond to the order in which they were registered, but this should not be relied upon.

See also: connect(), disconnect()