
This page documents the Annotation type, which corresponds to a time-aligned annotation of a sound file, on one or more layers.

Global functions


Return a list of all the annotations in the current project.


Return a list of all the selected annotations in the current project.


Return the Annotation object from the current project whose path is path, or null if there is no such annotation. If the object exists but is not an annotation, an error is thrown.


Return the Annotation object loaded in the current view, or null if the current view is not an annotation view.


class Annotation

add_property(category, value)

Adds a property to the annotation. category must be a string and value can be a string, a number or a Boolean. If the file already has a property with the same category, the value will be replaced with the new one.


Removes the property whose category is category from the annotation. If there is no such category, this method does nothing.


Gets the property whose category is category from the annotation, or null if there is no such category.


Binds the annotation to the sound file whose path is path. If the sound file is not in the current project, it will be automatically imported.

get_event_start(layer_index, event_index)

Gets the start time of an event on a given layer. Note that if the event is an instant, its start time is equal to its end time.

get_event_end(layer_index, event_index)

Gets the end time of an event on a given layer. Note that if the event is an instant, its end time is equal to its start time.

get_event_text(layer_index, event_index)

Gets the text of an event on a given layer.

set_event_text(layer_index, event_index, new_text)

Sets the text of an event on a given layer.


Returns the number of events on a given layer.


Gets the layer’s label.

set_layer_label(layer_index, new_label)

Sets the layer’s label.



Returns the path of the sound file.


Returns the Sound object to which the annotation is bound, or null if it is not bound to any sound.


Returns the number of layers in the annotation.